This study aims to analyses role of market orientation as moderating variable of the effect
entrepreneurship orientationon on business performace. This study using sample 62 entrepreneur
of the industry beautiful salon at Banjarsari district Surakarta. To test hypothesis using regression
analysis with absolute difference test. Conclusion of test results shows that the direct effect of
entrepreneurship orientation on business performance is significant. Other findings indicate that
market orientation moderates the effect of entrepreneurship orientation on business performance,
indicated by increase in R value of 19,6% and Adj.R2 of 15,1% means that the higher interaction
between entrepreneurship orientation and market orientation will affect the improvement of
business performance. Implication, entrepreneur of the industry beautiful salon should not only
have entrepreneurship orientation but should be supported with higher market orientation so that
business performance will be more optimal.
Keywords : entrepreneurship orientation, market orientation, business performace
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