This research aims to explain how the implementation of local government cooperation with foreign
countries or foreign NGO in 2012 until 2017 on around the region of Surakarta. The data of that
kind cooperation was really hard to get in the newspaper and also by search it on the internet,
researchers want to collect all of international cooperation by local goverment on around the region
of Surakarta in 2012 until 2017. This is because, with the implementation of local government
autonomy in Indonesian cities and region, now they can make cooperation with foreign countries
or foreign NGO but must still give priority on Indonesian national interest. Researchers believe
that altough we could not get it in internet, international cooperation between local government
exist. By using the theory and concept of diplomacy, international cooperation and national
interest, this research make use of qualitative method with primary data from the interview with
local government staff in cooperation section and also use document-based research and explained
by descriptive method. Through analysis we concluded that local government on around the region
of Surakarta already have several international cooperation with foreign countries, cities or NGO
in 2012 until 2017. But there are still many obstacles in the implementation of MoU or LoI which
already signed by both parties such as lack of coordination with national government, local
goverment and also agencies which directly involved with international cooperation, lack of
capabilities in lobbying and negotiation, lack of english, and budgeting problems.
Key words: Local Government, Diplomacy, International Cooperation, National Interest
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