Affiliate motive is a necessity that every individual needs. individuals need a need
whereby the need is one of them is the need to relate to others or the need to make friendships
with others. Both women and men all need friends who can understand and understand it. But
not all individuals can increase the need, because that need can only be increased by making
friendship with others in which there is a sense of trust and empathy for each other. With these
elements the individual can feel that making friendships will feel beautiful when a sense of
trust and empathy become a support in making friendships. The purpose of this research is to
know the description of student affiliation motivation before and after being given group
guidance service and to know the difference of affiliated motivation before and after mengiit
group guidance service. Motives are encouragement that causes individuals to be particular,
whereas affiliated motivation is the motivation for forming and maintaining friendships with
others in which there is an element of trust, affection and empathy shown in a friendly manner.
Group guidance is one counseling guidance service provided Counselors to some people in
group situations (7-15 people) who discuss the actual general problem by utilizing group
dynamics. The type of research used is Quasi Eksperimen with research design using one
group per-test and post-test design. This research uses purposive sampling technique on
students who have low affiliation motivation. The method of data collection in this study is the
scale of affiliated motivation. Test validity using Product Moment correlation formula rxy =
0.422> rtabel = 0.325 and the reliability of the instrument using the formula Alpha r11 =
0.928> rtabel = 0.325 it is concluded that the instances are reliable. Data analysis technique
using Wilcoxon test formula Zhitung = -3.298> Ztable = 0.21, it shows that student affiliation
motivation can be improved through group guidance service. From this research it can be
concluded that the image of motivation affiliated before being given group guidance services
obtained 49.70% score with low category and after being given group guidance services
obtained a score of 75.05% with high category. From these calculations means an increase in
the motivation of students affiliated IV Guidance and Counseling Study Program FKIP Unisri
Year 2016/2017 between before and after the group guidance services provided.
Keywords: Affiliated Motivation, Group Guidance.
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