Islam is a religion rahmatan lil Alamin mercy to all the worlds, Islam is a peaceful
religion, and Islam recognizes the multicultural to assume that all human beings are
equal, human glory of Islam measure levels of devotion to god. Islam highly appreciate
the difference, but in practice often arise precisely the opposite tendency, with more
highlight each class differences with one another. Identity Islam and views between
groups are often made in the interests of the strategic for the group of people to satisfy his
desire, This situation is exacerbated by the proliferation of radicalism Islam who crave the
glory of Islam by claiming that his group is the most true to the principle of radicalism is
the best way to achieve greatness of Islam , this is a great danger that could divide the
nation. Islamic radicalism appears like a fungus in the rainy season, Islamic radicalism
diIndonesia appear bright latently or openly. The radical right with the attitude of
intolerance, bigotry, always felt completely alone and assume people / other religions
false, exclusive, revolutionary attitude, tend to use violent means to achieve its objectives
and attitude to understand religious texts textually of partial and ignores the value -the
value of Islamic modernity. Madrasah schools in particular is one of the strategic places
to spread the teachings of the radical right, because young people are deciding the future
of the nation. Multicultural education at the school is very necessary, because the madrasa
students should realize that they are in a heterogeneous culture although he memempuh
education in state schools tend to have a homogenous culture. This study uses literature
study. The results Showed that the multicultural education in madrassas have some: (1)
the importance of education in Madrasah multikural (2) the danger of right-wing radicals
(3) the practice of multicultural education in Madrasah
Keywords: Multicultural, Radical Right.