PROCEEDING INTERNASIONAL SEMINAR 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Open Journal Systems Business ethics in ASEAN economic community 2015 from the perspective of economics, law, and public policy WHY IS ETHICS NECESSARY IN BUSINESS ? 2015-11-20T02:50:34+07:00 Ira Nuriya Santi & Marjam Desma Rahadhini Ethics plays an important role in a business. The existence of ethics is expected to be a barometer measuring moral values, especially policies resulting in business. The policy is expected not to harm the public who serve as the spearheading of a business. This paper aims to examine the reasons why business ethics must be done by a business enterprise. Descriptively this paper explains that it is necessary for a business enterprise to apply business ethics as a tool or weapon to compete with its competitors. A company running an ethical business will be able to maintain its viability in the long term.Keywords: business ethics, competitiveness, and public policy 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ON BUSINESS ETHICS 2015-11-20T02:50:34+07:00 Siswanta & Ernawati The purpose of this paper is to present a corelation among business player included person, organisation dan goverment as a stakeholeder of Islamic business ethic. It explores the normative and practical of business ethics in the context of Islamic religious perspective to organization and personal business man. It briefly this paper discribed the foundations of Islamic business ethic and use holly Qur’an and Al Hadis as a primary references.Keywords : Business ethic, Islamic, relation. 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ISLAMIC BUSINESS ETICS PRINCIPLES AND EMPLOYEE’S WELFARE 2015-11-20T02:50:34+07:00 Falikhatun & Yacob Suparno This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence on the effects of Islamic Business Etics Principles application on Employee’s Welfare. This study was conducted in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia. The paradigm used in this study was positivistic with hypothesis testing, while the analysis is conducted with Multiple Linear Regression. The results of this study concluded that Islamic Business Etics affects Employee’s Welfare. Partially, several indicators such as Siddiq, Amanah, and Istiqomah affect employee’s welfare in MSMEs in Karanganyar, Central Java, while for the indicators such as Tabligh, Fathanah, and Qana’ah does not affect employee’s welfare. Therefore, sugesstions for the next reseach are (1) to add MSMEs’ owner as subject of the reseach in order to obtain detailed information about the employees’ welfare, and (2) qualitative research methods can be used to obtain a more detailed and profound information about employees’ understanding and experience in the implementation of Islamic Business Etics Principles.Keywords: Employee’s Welfare, Islamic Business Etics, MSMEs 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) BUILDING A CHARACTER OF BUSINESS DOER THROUGH INTERNALIZATION OF VALUES ON PANCASILA AS A SOUECE OF BUSINESS ETHICS IN INDONESIA TO FACE ASEAN COMMUNITY 2015 2015-11-20T02:50:34+07:00 Siti Supeni - ASEAN Community is a community built in November 20th 2007 as a result of the development of the concept of ASEAN at the past. It was built as the organization focusing on politics and security community, economic community, and ASEAN culture social community. The main purpose of it is to create a vision and identity harmoniously. The problem that will be discussed in this paper is how to build a character of business doer through internalization of values on Pancasila as a source of business ethics in Indonesia. The results of discussion are (1) socializing values of pancasila as a source of ethics rule toward business doer from ASEAN country is a must although it need times and strategy; (2) the use of language ethics on business activities is based on the values of pancasila; (3) and spreading various ethics from other ASEAN nations toward Indonesia is a natural and ordinary phenomenon but selecting the most appropriate based on the ideology of pancasila is compulsory. In conclusion, keeping values on pancasila not only as the ideology of Indonesia but also as a source of ethics rule is crucial. Also spreading them to affect other ASEAN nations is needed to build nations of ASEAN that has the ideology of pancasila.Keywords: Values on Pancasila, Business Ethics and ASEAN community. 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ETHICS OF ENGLISH ON BUSINESS PRESENTATION 2015-11-20T02:50:34+07:00 Luqman Al Hakim Business presentation is needed by persons to inform or persuade audience about certain topics. Through the presentation, information are clearly received by audience. So it needs many aspects to do, such as chronological order of presentation; clear language; good attitude and behavior; and polite ethics. Ethics is the standards one uses to determine right from wrong in terms of thought and behavior. It is one of major components of successful presentation. To do that, ones could adopt ethics from their own culture or culture where they are right now, i.e. in abroad. This paper here intends to show ethic of English business presentation and ethic of presentation to public in order to persuade audience to use the product/ program. It means that it is not to use on presentation of national or international seminar because the rule is not so detailed and complicated The business presentation based on the result of research and good communication is necessary to present objective information, therefore public will get clear and objective understanding. In fact, showing strengths on the own products and showing the weaknesses of others are prohibited to save the existence of brands.Keywords: ethics, business presentation 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) THE INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT AND ISLAMIC WORK ETHIC TOWARD JOB PERFORMANCE OF TEACHING STAFF AT UNIVERSITIES IN SURAKARTA WITH INSTITUTIONAL BASE AS A MODERATOR VARIABLE 2015-11-20T02:50:34+07:00 Amin Wahyudi The purposes of this study are: (1) examine the impact of organizational commitment to job performance of faculty member in Surakarta; (2) examine the impact of Islamic work ethic to job performance; and (3) examine the mediating role of institutional-base on the impact of Islamic work ethic to job performance. The results show that organizational commitment and Islamic work ethic had significance effect to job performance, but institutional-based had no moderating role in the effect of Islamic work ethic to job performance.Keywords: organizational commitment, Islamic work ethic, job performance, institusional-based. 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) COURSE MANAGEMENT MODEL DEVELOPMENT BASED ON WORLD OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIES (WBI) ON LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION COURSES AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS (LSE-CTI) (FOG-C MANAGEMENT MODEL) 2015-11-20T02:50:34+07:00 Alex Sujanto Life Skills Education (LSE) courses management on Courses and Training Institutions (CTI) garment sewing program in Semarang Residency has been managed in accordance with management functions with the 4-in-1concept. This concept was developed into 5-in-1. The purpose of this study were: (1) to describe and analyze the factual course management models garment sewing program on LSE-CTI has been implemented, (2) develop a course management model garment sewing program based on business and world industries on LSE-CTI, (3) describe and analyze the feasibility of the model, (4) describe and analyze the effectiveness of the model.This research approach was Research and Development (R & D) with the following steps: (1) preliminary study conducted at Kartika Courses and Training Institutions in the Semarang District, Widya Busana Courses and Training Institutions in Salatiga, Muliya Courses and Training Institutions in Kendal, and Belva Courses and Training Institutions in Demak; (2) design model development validated by education management experts and practitioners through focus group discussion (FGD). (3) test the effectiveness of a hypothetical models. Data collected by observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and analysis paired t-test.Results of a hypothetical model validation through field trials on a limited scale showing: (1) have a high effectiveness against upgrading course management; (2) have a high effectiveness against increase in motor competence of learners. Based on the response the manager of the Courses and Training Institutions, learners, and garment industries, the model proved to effectively improve course management.Based on this research can be concluded that the development management model of garment sewing program course based on business and world industries on Courses and Training Institutions able to increase the effectiveness of management courses for managers and learners.Keywords: Course Management, Garment Sewing Program-Based business and world industries, Life Skills Education, Courses and Training Institutions. 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) THE ROLE OF LANGUAGE IN ADVERTISEMENT 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Dr. Ch. Evy Tri Widyahening Advertisement becomes an important part in human’s life. It has formed culture maker in society. Advertisement becomes one of crucial things that should be done. It has a power to persuade consumer’s desire to the product in society through image ideology association. Advertisement build image ideology of product then it also uses sign systems or language which has relationship with moral values. One of ideology which can be called sign system or ad language is gender ideology, especially is about women exploitation as a sign system. It can be said that many advertisement has used many words which has negative meanings, sensitive meanings, porn meanings, etc and all of them points to the woman exploitation, because many advertisements usually use women to be a target of a product and also to be an agent of change. So, in interpreting sign system or language, advertisement has multidimensional meaning not only to market a product but also to interpret sign system or language. Then, language system has a power because there is an ideology which always hide in it. Ideology is inherent within language, it means that there is higher significant relevance when the context is placed in the frame of modernity which is called the third wave. The power of language has affected dan hidden in advertisement then it has become social infrastructure which has a total power. This power of language can effect persception, attitude, behaviour, and point of view of society.Keywords: the power of language, advertisement, and sign system 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION POLICY IN SCHOOL TO MEET THE ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (An Expectation and Challenge) 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Anita Trisiana One of the global symptoms is the increasing of people migration intensity from one area to another. People like this are no longer constrained by the country territory, ethnic group, or religion or identity. This is different from citizenship where national citizenship rights are based on geographical boundaries of existing laws and procedures so that it can determine who can become the members of the nation. Today the idea of global citizenship has emerged. Besides, global citizenship is not something tangible but rather a moral or ethical stance on the need for protection of the rights of citizens in a global context. In order to meet the Asean Community, in the global context, a citizen has an important role to be a good citizen who can participate in implementing public policy. Character education, one of government policies, needs to be applied. Along with the grand design of the implementation of character education, it is not only done within the family, but also in the community, and education units. In units of education, especially in schools, character education forms an expectation and a challenge to be able to be applied effectively as one pillar and supporter of the Asean Community in line with the principles of global citizenship. 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) CHALLENGES OF TURNING AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC TO HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRIES : HOW INDONESIA POSITION FACING ASEAN COMMUNITY 2015? 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Winarti - Indonesia, known as an agricultural country, is marked by the majority of people living in village/ rural whose daily working is as farmer. To the year of 2005, there has been about 17,9 million agricultural workfield within the broad area of 15,4 million land where the usage of the land employed was about 0,7 hectare. This phenomenon shows such a decrease in the land ownership. This changing phenomenon of land ownership, creates a problem on working opportunity, since it has been any limitation on the widespread of workforce.This condition impacts on the changes within Java’s rurals which leads to the unsufficiency of employment in the agricultural sectore. Such alternative should be considered, by promoting city mobility program, by taking the other industrial activities which stands to be their major expectation. On the other sides, the home industries are commonly recognized by the rurals. The rurals then start to be introduced about the small scale market economy. This strategy benefits the rurals in terms of providing a chance for their products (rural product) to be sold.Compared with the other countries in ASEAN Community position Indonesia were complexity problem. Exspeciale population growth ± 1,9 percent. Until 2015, Indonesia population about 250 milion, mayority (± 68percent) living in village as a farmer. Their income percapita under us$ 1000.Key Words : Rural, Liberalism Household Industries 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) LEGAL SECURITY IN INDONESIA, THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE OF MEA 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Lusia Indrastuti ASEAN Economic Community 2015 or Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) will be established starting on December 31, 2015. The impact is that the opportunity in free trade of service and goods among ASEAN countries is widely open. In facing MEA, especially in Indonesia, supports from many different parties are needed, such as the business persons, government, community, and of course law becomes one of the props in running the economy in the country.Several problems and challenges that Indonesia currently face in implementing MEA namely are: there is lack of legal security for the business owners to ensure them to keep investing their business, the lack of readiness of businessmen in making agreements between themselves, slow service of bureaucracy and government commitment, and also the need of judiciary institution that can provide justice to all parties. Legal security is created through effective rules support, good faiths of the businessman, and law enforcers that fully support MEA since legal security in MEA is an absolute requirement.Key words: MEA, Law, Legal Security 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) COULD ASEAN COMMUNITY 2015 BE A FAIRNESS COMMUNITY FOR INDONESIAN ECONOMY? 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Lukman Fahmi Djarwono “Ready or not?”, a rhetorical question we met while discussing integration of Indonesia into ASEAN Economy Community 2015. All ASEAN member countries can trade each other without any barriers. Indonesia have not to be afraid and hesitate, because have enormously potential economy resources, including maritime sector, agriculture sector, micro and medium-scaled enterprises sector, and tourism sector, to join its community. Each countries have their own problems, and also each economy sectors have weaknesses that have to be assisted by government. Using concept of Fairness, we can analyze their own conditions, problems, and solutions. Administration of Joko Widodo have to protect them through subsidies policy. If Indonesia –under new President Joko Widodo– can utilize the ASEAN Economy Community 2015 as a moment to spread its market segment power, then Indonesia can take more advantages from the the regime.Keywords: Indonesia; Economy; ASEAN Community 2015; Fairness 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) EFFECS OF THE CORPORATE CULTURE ON THE EMPLOYEE’S WORK PRODUCTIVITY PT PLN SURAKARTA IN FREE MARKET 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Yohanes Djoko Suseno The main fabtor to adapt in the changing and competitive environment as well as to Improve performance was depending on enterpeise’s competitive strength. Sustainbility of development operational management context on the lonf-term perspective, human resources have an important role to create and realizing business opportunity. Profesional employee that os able to achieve the task determined the high productivity . Competetive advantage of a company is its productivity.The objective of this research to anlyze effects of the corporate culture variables (integreity, professionalism, customer satisfaction, pattern, and reward to human resource) simultancously and partially, on employee’s work productivity. Other analysis emphasizes on the dominant influential variables of corporate culture on employee;s work productivity.Design for this research used census technique to apllied in the PT PLN. Surakarta in free market, and select for 154 respondents and collecting data by questioners.Hypothesis examination imvolves multiple regression analysis. The result of this research indicate that integrity, professionalism, customer satisfaction, pattern, and reward to human resource simultaneously and partially have positive influrnce on employee’s work productivity. This research result also shows that reward to human resource has the dominant influence on employee;s work productivity.PT PLN in free market.Keywords : corporate ,culture, employee’s work productivity. 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) STUDENT ENTERPRENEURSHIP: MOTIVATION AND CHALLENGES 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Saiful Bahri, Yustina Wuri Wulandari, Dorothea Ririn Indriastuti In an effort for Universitas of Slamet Riyadi (UNISRI) mission is to provide education, to the spirit of entrepreneurship, the development of entrepreneurship for students will be developed within the University of Slamet Riyadi. To create an independent entrepreneur based accordance with the field of science and technology, mentoring and entrepreneurial training activities for students must be done with planning and commitment. Therefore, through the implementation of The Grant Program for Entrepreneurship based Science and Technology of the University of Slamet Riyadi (Iptek bagi Kewirausahaan “IbK” UNISRI) has the goal of creating new entrepreneurial independent, professional and business ethics-based science and technology in accordance with the study of scientific fields, improving business management skills for students, and create entrepreneurial training methods that are appropriate for students or graduates so that they can develop themselves in industrial societies.Methods for achieving the objectives and specific targets include entrepreneurship training, and practice in the field or internships, as well as study visits. Entrepreneurial training conducted by resource persons on a scheduled basis according to their expertise, whether originating from inside or outside the UNISRI. This training is intended to provide knowledge of entrepreneurship, encourage the growth of entrepreneurship motivation, increase understanding of management in the organization, production, finance or marketing, creating a business plan or feasibility study, and provides an understanding of business ethics for students. While apprenticeship implemented to give practical experience of entrepreneurship to students through the daily work involved in a business unit. In addition to students who have begun or alumni who are interested in entrepreneurship or new alumni pioneering efforts, it will further improve the entrepreneurial activity that has been previously occupied.Based on the objectives, specific targets for entrepreneurial science and technology program for students Unisri can produce independent entrepreneurs and science and technology-based professional and business ethics and young entrepreneurs who are ready to move in society. It also produces a more diverse business cluster with the products or services produced by the students have the advantage of science and technology and be able to compete, the business cluster food (fruit juice, a variety of snacks), services (computer, photography, rental ornamental.The activity of IbK UNISRI that have been implemented in 2014, the results can be summarized as follows: the necessary business who genuinely requires careful planning through a blend of academic and student activities at universities, recruitment of tenants (participants) takes techniques and strategies, tenant assistance should always be done in a sustainable manner, the tenant must be motivated by examples of real entrepreneurs, and tenants need to be given incentives venture capital and technology as a trigger to immediately take actions in self-employment.Keywords: student entrepreneurship, independence, professionalism, and ethical entrepreneurship 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) ANALYZE FACTORS DETERMINANT OF TOTAL CREDIT RECEIVED ON THE DEBITORS OF BANK PERKREDITAN RAKYAT IN SURAKARTA 2015-11-20T02:50:35+07:00 Dorothea Ririn Indriastuti & Edi Wibowo This study aims to analyze the influence of profitability, collateral, and the long business to total credit received on the debitors. This study use sample of debtors who took the General Loan (Kredit Umum) of Bank Prekreditan Rakyat (BPR) in Surakarta the respondents were 62 debtors. Data collection techniques using documentary techniques. While the technique of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test and determination coefficient test.Based on the results of data analysis: (1) Profitability, collateral, and long business in individually have a positive and significant effect on the total credit received on the debtors of BPR in Surakarta, then hypothesis 1 was confirmed. (2) Profitability, collateral, and long operating in simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the total credit received on the debitors of BPR in Surakarta, then hypothesis 2 was confirmed. (3) In this study, indicate that profitability variable was the most dominant influence to the total credit received on the debtors, then hypothesis 3 was confirmed. (4) Results of determination coefficient test is R2 = 0.620; it means that the profitability, collateral, and long business are explain is 62% while the rest 38% influenced by other variables outside the model that is not investigated such as current capital or demographic factors like age and education level.Based on this research for the debtors are advised to increase the value profitability so as to obtain an opportunity to obtain a larger loan amount. To improve profitability, in addition to increasing sales is expected employers to manage costs efficiently. In deciding the bank credit, especially in this case the BPR in Surakarta to continue to apply prudential banking principles with the aim of effectively controlling the occurrence of bad credit problems.Key word : profitability, collateral, long business, total credit, debitor 2015-11-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c)