Development and Business Communications <p><strong>Development and Business Communications</strong> <strong>(DBC)</strong> published by Communication Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Slamet Riyadi University, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Development and Business Communication</strong> <strong>(DBC)</strong> welcomes any articles that are relevant to:</p> <ul> <li>Development Communication</li> <li>Indigenous Communication</li> <li>Environmental Communication</li> <li>Business Communication</li> <li>Public Relations</li> <li>Marketing Communication</li> <li>Advertising</li> <li>Organizational Communication</li> <li>Social Media Management</li> <li>Communication Management</li> </ul> en-US (Lukas Maserona S., S.Sos., M.I.Kom) (Lukas Maserona S., S.Sos., M.I.Kom) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 17:36:04 +0700 OJS 60 STATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN LOTION WHITENING DALAM LIVE STREAMING TIKTOK <p>This research is about the Tiktok live streaming marketing communication strategy on the @info.glowup account. So the researcher raised the title "Whitening Lotion Marketing Communication Strategy in Tiktok Live Streaming (Study on the Tiktok account @info.glowup). The purpose of this research is to find out the process and marketing communication strategy for Lotion Whitening through the Live Streaming of the Tiktok application. The method used by researchers in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Structured interviews with 4 informants (1 info.glowup online shop owner and 3 consumers). Data analysis techniques include collecting data, reducing, presenting, then drawing conclusions. The results of this study are that the Marketing Communication Strategy used by the info.glowup online shop has implemented the 4P Marketing Communication Strategies such as Product, Price, Place, Promotion. Product marketing strategy with Pre Order (PO) so that consumers know that this hand body product is always selling well so it needs to be ordered in advance, because of the advantages and quality of the product. The marketing strategy for Price of info.glowup products is lower than the prices of other similar products, so the price of info.glowup products is affordable which can be purchased by young people, both those who are still in school and employees/workers. The marketing strategy for Place is choosing Tiktok as a type of social media that is very popular, so that it becomes a marketing medium for the info.glowup online shop. This place makes it easier for the owner to reach the target market of generation X and generation Z with high technological literacy. Apart from that, the place in this online shop is because the products are not yet in the mall, they are new and are only sold in the Tiktok shop. So there is no offline store yet. Another advantage that many consumers like is because in the online shop when live streaming consumers get attractive discounts. The marketing strategy for Promotion is by giving vouchers on each live streaming and when there are certain events such as New Years, Ramadan, pay day sales. Discounts are also given to buyers who buy more than one. Factors that support marketing strategies such as when live streaming on Tiktok, being able to reach For Your Page (FYP) so that many are interested and buy. However, there are inhibiting factors, namely when the owner works alone in live streaming and packing as well, so that she is not optimal in live streaming.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em> Marketing, Communication Strategy, Live Streaming, Tiktok</em></p> <p>This research is about the Tiktok live streaming marketing communication strategy on the @info.glowup account. So the researcher raised the title "Whitening Lotion Marketing Communication Strategy in Tiktok Live Streaming (Study on the Tiktok account @info.glowup). The purpose of this research is to find out the process and marketing communication strategy for Lotion Whitening through the Live Streaming of the Tiktok application. The method used by researchers in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Structured interviews with 4 informants (1 info.glowup online shop owner and 3 consumers). Data analysis techniques include collecting data, reducing, presenting, then drawing conclusions. The results of this study are that the Marketing Communication Strategy used by the info.glowup online shop has implemented the 4P Marketing Communication Strategies such as Product, Price, Place, Promotion. Product marketing strategy with Pre Order (PO) so that consumers know that this hand body product is always selling well so it needs to be ordered in advance, because of the advantages and quality of the product. The marketing strategy for Price of info.glowup products is lower than the prices of other similar products, so the price of info.glowup products is affordable which can be purchased by young people, both those who are still in school and employees/workers. The marketing strategy for Place is choosing Tiktok as a type of social media that is very popular, so that it becomes a marketing medium for the info.glowup online shop. This place makes it easier for the owner to reach the target market of generation X and generation Z with high technological literacy. Apart from that, the place in this online shop is because the products are not yet in the mall, they are new and are only sold in the Tiktok shop. So there is no offline store yet. Another advantage that many consumers like is because in the online shop when live streaming consumers get attractive discounts. The marketing strategy for Promotion is by giving vouchers on each live streaming and when there are certain events such as New Years, Ramadan, pay day sales. Discounts are also given to buyers who buy more than one. Factors that support marketing strategies such as when live streaming on Tiktok, being able to reach For Your Page (FYP) so that many are interested and buy. However, there are inhibiting factors, namely when the owner works alone in live streaming and packing as well, so that she is not optimal in live streaming.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><em> Marketing, Communication Strategy, Live Streaming, Tiktok</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> bela, Nurnawati Hastuti, Siswanta Siswanta Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI KEPALA DESA DENGAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENCEGAHAN COVID-19 DI DESA DUREN KABUPATEN WONOGIRI <p><em>Duren Village is one of the villages in Wonogiri Regency which was affected by the Covid-19 virus, so a communication strategy for the village head and the community is needed in preventing Covid-19 in Duren Village, Wonogiri Regency. This study aims to determine the communication strategy of the village head with the community in handling Covid-19 in Duren Village. This research is a qualitative descriptive study by determining purposive sampling informants. The theory used is the theory of communication strategy from Alo liliweri. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use models from miles and huberman. The results of this study are that the Head of Duren Village has implemented an Announcement communication strategy which aims to notify the spread and prevention of Covid-19 in Duren Village. Motivating the village head conveys motivational messages to people who have contracted Covid-19 and people who are not infected with Covid-19. Educating provides useful information and can be used by residents of the Duren community. conveying information (Informating) The village head conveys information to the community, the information submitted must be clear. Support decision making (Decision making) The Duren Village Head makes decisions or rules that must be obeyed by the community because it is for the common good. The media used by the Head of Duren Village to convey information to the public are smartphones and outdoor media.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Strategy, Village Head, Covid-19, Media</em></strong></p> Aksalion Wian Giovalella Aksa, Maya Sekarwangi, Siswanta Siswanta Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE MEANING SONG LYRICS OF JOKO TINGKIR NGOMBE DAWET (Roland Barthes Semiotic Analysis) <p>The lyrics of the song Joko Tingkir Ngombe Dawet, which was released in mid_2022, there was controversy, especially among NU’s Ulama, Lamongan people and the general public, in interpreting the lyrics of Joko Tingkir Ngombe Dawet. This study aims to find out the meaning of the lyrics of the song Joko Tingkir Ngombe Dawet by using a qualitative descriptive research type and Roland Barthes' semiotic theory, the object of this research is the lyrics of the song Joko tingkir ngombe dawet, primary data sources through the www. page, secondary data through books , internet to relevant journals, as well as data collection techniques using documentation. The results of the study show the meaning of the lyrics of the song Joko tingkir ngombe dawet, namely telling about someone who was accused of having an affair during his overseas period, other findings namely the meaning of Joko Tingkir having symbols of leadership, wisdom and supernatural powers, and in the context of the national situation the song Joko Tingkir ngombe dawet was made as a form of criticism against leaders who abuse their position for criminal acts.</p> <p><strong>Keywords<em>: </em></strong>Song Lyrics, Joko Tingkir Ngombe Dawet, Semiotics, Roland Barthes</p> Teuku Fadhlurrahman Faruq, Buddy Riyanto, Lukas Sarungu Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN PRODUK KECANTIKAN MS GLOW CABANG KOTA KLATEN <p><em>This study aims to analyze Ms Glow Beauty Product Marketing Communication Strategy in Klaten City and how this Strategy contributes to increasing the number of (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). The purpose of this research is to find&nbsp; out the processand strategy of Ms Glow marketing communication in Klaten City. . The data collection technique used in this study is qualitative descriptive, data collected through observation, interviews, documentation in the form of photos with (4 consumers and 1 company owner) data analysis techniques are obtained data collected, reduction, presentation, the conclusions. The results showed that Ms Glow Marketing Communication Strategy in Klaten City branch was very effective and implemented P4 (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Ms Glow product communication strategy is so that consumers know that safe and BPOM&nbsp; certified product quality products are clinically tested. Marketing communication strategy for the price of this product is standard so that the price is affordable with 1 package at a price of Rp. 300.000., already get facial wash, toner, day cream, night cream. Places/ Location can already consult for free with a comfortable&nbsp; room in Klaten City located near Klaten square strategies for promotion/ promotion into 2 namely offline and online (Shoppe, Tiktok, Instagram, Whatsaap) promotions get discounts, bonuse. &nbsp;</em></p> Deta Mahayu Pramesti Muji Sutanto Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 WEBSITE UTILIZATION AS A MEDIA OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION OF PUBLIC SERVICES OF SURAKARTA CITY <p>In the current era of digital information or modernization, digital knowledge is fast enough to spread. This information could be obtained quickly, efficiently, and accurately. This development also implemented the Surakarta City Government in conducting online public services through the media website. The website is a representation of the consistency of knowledge, the capacity of government institutions to interact with the public, and a kind of socialization media to improve social life. The purpose of this study is to determine the utilization of the website as a medium of information and communication for public services carried out by the Surakarta City Diskominfo. The method used in this study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach that focuses on how to use the website as a medium of information and communication services in implementing public services in the city of Surakarta. The data was obtained through interviews with the Surakarta City Diskominfo Staff and the Surakarta City Community. In addition, data was also obtained by observation and documentation. The results of this study were analyzed using the theory of Public Service Communication according to Dr. Hardiansyah. The analysis of this research shows that Diskominfo SP Surakarta City has developed a website as a medium of information and communication for public services. The results obtained in this study have a website as a medium of information to the public online and as a means of communication between the government and the community. With the existence of a website as a public service, it is hoped that it will be sufficient and facilitate the public in obtaining public information according to their individual needs. Not only that, but the existence of this website is also a form of digitization carried out to improve good government for the Surakarta City government.</p> Kezia Sarfat Debby, Buddy Riyanto, Haryo Kusumo Aji Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700