and Business Communications2024-05-09T15:57:28+07:00Lukas Maserona S., S.Sos., M.I.Komunisricommunicationjournal@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Development and Business Communications</strong> <strong>(DBC)</strong> published by Communication Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Slamet Riyadi University, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Development and Business Communication</strong> <strong>(DBC)</strong> welcomes any articles that are relevant to:</p> <ul> <li>Development Communication</li> <li>Indigenous Communication</li> <li>Environmental Communication</li> <li>Business Communication</li> <li>Public Relations</li> <li>Marketing Communication</li> <li>Advertising</li> <li>Organizational Communication</li> <li>Social Media Management</li> <li>Communication Management</li> </ul> SOCIALIZATION OF TELEVISION DIGITALIZATION POLICY 2024-03-01T12:22:28+07:00Yantika Nur Cahyatiyantikanur80@gmail.comNurnawati Hindra Hastutinurna.hin@gmail.comEstu<p><em>The policy of the digitalization of television as a big agenda in national development must receive vigorous attention from all parties so that it can be immediately realized. In this case, the citizens of Indonesia need to get socialization to make them understand the intricacies of television digitalization. Since 2021, the government has carried out socialization through various media. However, many people had not switched to digital television even when Analog Switch Off (ASO) was already implemented. Therefore, researchers are interested in researching the socialization of television digitalization policies in the Banaran Village. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the socialization of television digitalization policies in Banaran Village. To examine that socialization, researchers use the theory of innovation diffusion. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research by interviewing 11 respondents who are people of the Banaran Village. The results of this study concluded that the socialization of television digitization policies carried out through mass media and new media has not fully provided an understanding to the people in Banaran Village. The main message of the socialization discussed more about the advantages of digital television. The people still do not know the aims and purposes of this television digitization policy that must be implemented in Indonesia, so many people do not immediately switch to digital television. Therefore, it is necessary to socialize through direct interpersonal communication in Banaran Village to provide education regarding television digitization policies. In addition, it also needs the role of society figures to participate in disseminating information about this television digitization policy so that people are more motivated to switch to digital television.</em></p>2024-05-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications Personal Branding as a Food Artist in Video Content2024-03-01T12:26:40+07:00Estrelita Irine Lifaniestrelitairen99@gmail.comMaya<p>The widespread use of social media Tiktok, which was previously only used as a medium to entertain or record themselves, is now a new phenomenon that can be expanded into a communication tool for self-presentation or other meanings, which can be called personal branding. The researcher took one of the many cooking content creators in Indonesia who uses the social media tiktok as a means of personal branding, namely Sarah Eka Aprilia or who is fondly called Sarah Aprilia.<br>This research is entitled Building Personal branding as a Food Artist in Video Content (Study on the tiktok account @Sarahkapril). This research is a qualitative research method with a femenological approach. This study aims to find out about Sarah Aprilia in building her personal branding as a food artist through the video content she uploads on the social media Tiktok. The analysis uses Peter Montoya's theory with eight concepts of personal branding formation.<br>The results of this study are that as a whole, Sarah Aprilia has succeeded in carrying out her personal branding as a food artist on her tiktok social media. The process is supported by being consistent and focused on the theme of the concept taken as well as daring to be creative in experimenting so as to create something unique. Then by always following the trend of social media tiktok and always maximizing the use of the features that exist on social media tiktok also makes and displays its characteristics that look eccentric.<br>.<br>Keywords: Personal Branding, Content, Tiktok</p>2024-05-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications STYLE OF TALKSHOW PROGRAM BROADCASTERS TO ATTRACT LISTENER AT REGIONAL PUBLIC BROADCASTING RADIO (RSPD) KLATEN2024-03-01T12:17:58+07:00anastasia elviraanastasiaelv12@gmail.comHerning Suryo Astuti<p>In communicating, everyone has a dif erent communication style. In Klaten, Central<br />Java, there is Radio Siaran Publik Daerah (RSPD) Klaten. The broadcaster's<br />communication style can be used to attract listeners at RSPD Klaten. By using a<br />communication style, an announcer can influence the message conveyed to the<br />communicant or listener so that smooth communication and interaction can be<br />established. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the communication<br />style of talk show broadcasters to attract listeners on Radio Siaran Publik Daerah<br />(RSPD) Klaten. This study used communication style theory by Steward L. Tubbs and<br />Sylvia Moss. Qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach were used by<br />researchers in this study. Data collection techniques are carried out through<br />observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study show that the<br />communication style of broadcasters has its own communication style. The<br />communication style used by the announcer of the talk show program to attract<br />listeners at RSPD Klaten, using the equalitarian style, the structuring style and the<br />controlling style.</p> <p>Keywords : Communication Style, Announcer, RSPD Klaten, Talk Show Program</p>2024-05-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications OF THE MEANING OF SUMBA CULTURE IN THE FILM MARLINA THE MURDERER IN FOUR ACT2023-06-27T20:15:55+07:00Alya Fitri Rahmawatialyafitrirhmwt@gmail.comHerning Suryo Astuti<p><em>Films can revive values ​​that have fallen down, and even educate people about the existence of traditions that are currently being neglected or even not realized. As a reflection of the nation's culture, through films that still raise issues of cultural customs, until a belief is shown in the Representation of Sumba Cultural Meanings in the Film Marlina the </em><em>Murderer</em><em> in Four Acts. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach with the theory of Roland Barthes. The results of this study show that the Film Marlina the </em><em>Murderer</em><em> in Four Acts with a cultural background in Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara produces a representation of the meaning of dialect, clothing, mummified death customs, and the setting of the place. The Film Marlina the </em><em>Murderer</em><em> in Four Acts can explain about culture that is rarely known by the wider community, this film can help preserve and educate anyone who watches it.</em></p>2024-05-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications COMMUNICATION STYLE AT THE OPERATIONS MANAGER PT. TIGA SEKAWAN LOGISTIK2024-03-18T11:58:20+07:00Ovian Senandasenandariadri96@gmail.comHerning Suryo Astuti<p>In a company, communication is something that cannot be separated, because with communication someone can convey and also receive information. Apart from that, to solve various problems in a company, an appropriate communication style is needed so that the company continues to run according to plans to achieve certain goals. The purpose of this research is to find out and describe leader communication style at the operations manager PT. Tiga Sekawan Logistik. The type and research method used is descriptive qualitative, using primary data from interviews and secondary data from documents, books and journals. The data collection technique used was purposive sampling, while to test credibility using Triangulation techniques and analyzed using the analytical method by Matthew, Huberman, and Saldan (2014), namely Data Condensation, Data Display, and Conclusion Drawing/Verifications. From the interview results, observation, and data collection, the researcher concluded that of the six communication styles proposed by Steward L Tubbs & Slyvia Moss, there are two leadership communication styles, namely the Equalitarian style and the Structuring Style which are used by operational manager at PT. Tiga Sekawan Logistik in leading the operational section.The Equalitarian communication style can be seen from the leader's attitude which is relaxed, friendly and willing to accept criticism and suggestions, so that employees are able to open up and express the complaints they feel. This also makes employees feel comfortable at work and have close relationships with co-workers and leaders. Even though the work atmosphere is relaxed, the leadership's firmness also makes employees work professionally and remain fully responsible for their work. Meanwhile, the Structuring communication style is seen when the leader emphasizes the applicable work rules, especially those related to work schedules, speed and discipline, so that it influences the quality of the company.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-05-09T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Development and Business Communications