MOTIF PENGGUNAAN INSTAGRAM SEBAGAI REFERENSI WISATA (Studi Khusus pada Mahasiswa Fisip Unisri Surakarta)


  • Krisna Adji Baskara, Bedjo Sukarno & Buddy Riyanto


This research is descriptive qualitative which trying to described the motive of the use of
instagram as a tourism reference on students of UNISRI Surakarta. With using analysis display
at the interactive model by miles and huberrman, the results of this research pointed out that the
motive of the use of instagram among FISIP students are varied, there are students that just
open, see, and uploaded a picture or photos on instagram, there are also students who access
instagram to seek for information, there are also students who access to find reference tourism
in Instagram acounts.
keywords: motives, instagram, tourism reference

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