
  • Farid Hidayat, Bedjo Sukarno & Nurnawati Hindra H


Master Class is the teacher that helps Principals to guide students in the discipline embodies
class, as Manager and motivator to evoke a passion for beprestasi students in the/minat class.
Good communication between teacher and student homeroom will have a major impact with the
learning achievements of students ' Research aims to find out whether there is influence
communication master class student achievement against. Respondents research as many as 40
children. Research methods are survey in which this research aims to test the hypothesis.
According to Joseph a. Devito, Interpersonal communication is the process of sending and
receiving messages between two people or between a small group of people, with some effects
and some feedback instantly. Homeroom Teachers here as Communicators and students as
Komunikan while Learning Achievements is as back feed. To answer these problems above
author utilise the research field (field research). Method of data collection consists of
observational methods, data processing, norm research, questionnaire, and draw conclusions.
As for the formula used in the problem solving is the formula of using the formula Product
Moment. The formula is based on the authors can conclude that the appropriate calculation of
the data processed by the correlation Coefficient using the formula Moment product. From the
results of the analysis of data obtained by the value of the correlation between influence
communication teacher homeroom student achievement against 228 8 0,545 of Surakarta.
Results analysis to the data consulted with table level correlation, whose value is between 0.600
until 0.800.Based on the research of teacher walikelas (X) in the low category heading. While
based on student achievement SMP 8 Surakarta (Y) on the category heading. Then it can be
known based on Correlation table that the magnitude of the communication of the homeroom
teacher against student achievement SMP 8 Surakarta is 0545. This means that there are
positive influences Influence communication between homeroom teacher against student
achievement SMP 8 Surakarta enough, then the hypothesis is accepted.
Key Words: Interpersonal Communication, Master Class, Learning Achievements

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