JI@P 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Dr. Drs. Suwardi, M.Si Open Journal Systems <div style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;"> <table class="data" style="height: 332px;" width="575" bgcolor="#e6e7e9"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td rowspan="9"> </td> <td> </td> <td width="20%">Journal Title</td> <td width="80%">:<strong> Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="80%">:<strong> JI@P</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%">: <strong>2 Issues Per Year</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%">: <strong>10.33061<br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td width="20%">Print ISSN</td> <td width="80%">: <strong><a href=";1394255277&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2355-4223</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%">: <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-0211</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%">:<strong> <a href=";hl=id&amp;oi=ao" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dr. Drs Suwardi, M.Si</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td width="20%">Managing Editor</td> <td width="80%">:<a href=";hl=id"><strong> Dr. Aris Tri Haryanto, M.Si</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> </td> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%">: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Master of Public Administration, Universitas Slamet Riyadi</strong></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;"> <div id="journalDescription"> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify"><strong><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik (JI@P) </strong></strong>is published two times a year in January and June. This journal contains scientific articles on public administration science written in two languages : Bahasa Indonesia and English. The article is published in form of empirical research, conceptual or theoritical framework. JI@P is published by Program of Magister Public Administration Slamet Riyadi University Surakarta ISSN 2355-4223 and <a href="">online ISSN 2808-0211</a>. Prior website address of this journal was</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of public administrations and policies.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of public policies and administration areas as follows:</p> <ol start="1"> <li style="text-align: justify;">Bureaucracy and Administration Development;</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">Decentralization and Regional Autonomy;</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">Economic and Public Policy;</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">Public Management and Governance;</li> <li style="text-align: justify;">Any specifics issues of public policy and management.</li> </ol> </div> </div> ANALISIS EFISIENSI DAN EFEKTIVITAS STANDAR HARGA PERJALANAN DINAS SEKRETARIAT DAERAH KABUPATEN MADIUN 2024-04-01T20:32:51+07:00 Ata Royan Mahyudin <p>Official travel expenses are various expenses incurred in the context of official travel in connection with duties and functions. Official travel in this case is domestic official travel, namely travel outside the place of residence carried out within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for the benefit of the state.<br />The aim of this research is to determine the application of price standards in the preparation of work plans and budgets for the Regional Secretariat of Madiun Regency.<br />The method used in this research is a type of qualitative research through presentation and description. The subjects in this research were 8 informant respondents consisting of 6 people from the Regional Secretariat Development Administration Section, Regional Development Planning Agency and Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency, 1 person from the Health Service Planning Section and 1 person from the Public Works and Spatial Planning Department Planning Section. Data collection techniques use interviews (in-depth interviews), Focus Group Discussions (FGD)<br />The level of efficiency of the official travel budget at the Regional Secretariat of Madiun Regency for 2021 - 2022 based on the results of calculations and overall analysis can be assessed as quite efficient, while the level of effectiveness of the official travel budget for 2021 - 2022 shows that the overall results are at an effective level, even close to a very high level. effective. Efforts to implement the efficiency of the official travel budget have been carried out by the Regional Secretariat of Madiun Regency by optimizing the use of the budget as best as possible and maximizing the use of budget originating from the APBD for public service needs to the community as well as preparing program plans for each unit and sector by utilizing information systems so that they are clearer. and measurable in determining program and activity priorities.</p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ata Royan Mahyudin EVALUASI PROGRAM KAMPUNG KELUARGA BERKUALITAS (KB) DALAM MENINGKATKAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA MISKIN DI KELURAHAN PUNGGAWAN 2023 2024-04-01T01:43:32+07:00 Satrio Anoraga Sunggingprobo Joko Pramono Aris Tri Haryanto <p>The Surakarta City government's effort to reduce the impact of the population explosion and improve family welfare is through the Family Planning program, which is currently available in 22 sub district, one of which is Punggawan. This study purposes to describe and analyze the evaluation of the kampung keluarga berkualitas (KB) program in improving the welfare of poor families by the Surakarta City Government. The evaluation was conducted using William Dunn's theory. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach with primary data sources obtained through in-depth interviews from various sources and secondary data through literature searches and several other documents and the technique of determining informants with purpusive sampling. The results of the study are the three programs, namely socialization, motivation and Communication Information Education on Family Planning (IEC KB) and scheduled home visits to couples of childbearing age unmetneeded, and handle stunting with JABAT handle stunting, and education on Infant and Young Child Feeding (PMBA) with food models per posyandu seen from aspects of effectiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, responsiveness and appropriateness can be said to be good, meaning that the program is running according to plan, the budget is sufficient from the DP3AP2KB office and community self-help, but the Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) education program with food models per posyandu in the aspect of responsiveness gets a burdensome response from the Punggawan community if self-handled.</p> <p><strong>Keywods: Program Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas (KB), </strong><strong>Program Evaluation with aspects of effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, responsiveness and appropriateness</strong></p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Satrio Anoraga Sunggingprobo, Joko Pramono, Aris Tri Haryanto IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM KELUARGA HARAPAN (PKH) DI KELURAHAN SEWU 2024-03-30T14:22:36+07:00 Fahrul Ari Budiarto Winarti Winarti Aris Tri Haryanto <p>The research results show that the implementation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Sewu Village can be taken from various aspects, including its impact on the welfare of poor families, effectiveness of implementation, and support from the community. Evaluation of the program's impact on the welfare of poor families is crucial. Such as increasing access to education, health and the economy for PKH participants. The success of PKH implementation can also be evaluated in terms of implementation effectiveness. This includes targeting accuracy, distribution of aid, as well as administrative and bureaucratic efficiency. From the level of active community participation and the level of support provided. If the community is involved and supports the program, this can be a positive indicator. Recommendations for continuous improvement. This involves assessing weaknesses or challenges encountered during implementation and providing direction to improve them. In this way, the implementation of PKH in Sewu Village can reflect the extent to which the program achieves its goals of improving welfare and reducing social inequality. In accordance with the target setting data source comes from the Integrated Data for the Poverty Handling Program in accordance with Minister of Social Affairs regulation Number 10/HUK/2016 dated 3 May 2016 concerning the Mechanism for Using Integrated Data for the Poverty Handling Program.</p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fahrul Ari Budiarto, Winarti Winarti, Aris Tri Haryanto IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENANGANAN KONFLIK ANTAR PERGURUAN SILAT DI KABUPATEN MADIUN 2024-03-28T10:57:55+07:00 Siti Nur Asiyah Suwardi Suwardi Herning Suryo Sardjono <p><em>The research in this thesis is motivated by conflicts between Perguruan Silat which often occur in the Madiun Regency area. To date, the Madiun Regency Government continues to strive to prevent conflict between organizations by implementing Conflict Prevention Efforts as stated in Government Regulation Number 2 of 2015 concerning the Implementation of Law Number 7 of 2012 concerning Handling Social Conflict. The research objective in writing this thesis is: To create a scientific description of the implementation of conflict management policies between Perguruan Silat in Madiun Regency.</em></p> <p><em>This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data Collection Techniques using Literature Study and Field Study (Interviews and Documentation). Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. To test the validity of the data, extended observations, increased persistence, source triangulation, techniques and time were used.</em></p> <p><em>From the results of this research, the author concludes that: (1) The Madiun Regency Government, in this case implemented by the Madiun Regency National Unity and Politics Agency, has implemented conflict management in the form of activities: (a) Workshops and Development of IPSI Members, (b) Formation of an Integrated Team Handling Social Conflict, (c) Establishing a Madiun Regency Regional Early Warning Team, (d) Establishing a Community Early Alert Forum, (e) Implementing the Waskita Purabaya Early Warning System, (f) TNI/Polri Synergy in Securing Community Activities. (2) In implementing the Conflict Management Policy, support from stakeholders and budget support are supporting factors in implementing the implementation of this policy. (3) The shortage of employees at Bakesbangpol Madiun Regency is an obstacle to implementing conflict management policies.</em></p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nur Asiyah, Suwardi Suwardi, Herning Suryo Sardjono ANALISIS PENGELOLAAN ARSIP PADA KANTOR PELAYANAN KEKAYAAN NEGARA DAN LELANG SURAKARTA 2024-03-27T15:27:15+07:00 Novitasari Novitasari Winarti Winarti Aris Tri Haryanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi pengelolaan arsip KPKNL Surakarta yang<br />belum optimal, ruang penyimpanan yang terbatas, belum tersususnnya database arsip dan<br />penyusutan arsip yang tidak lancar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan<br />menganalisis pengelolaan kearsipan pada KPKNL Surakarta. Penelitian ini dianalisis<br />berdasarkan Teori Manajemen POSDCORB menurut Luther Gullick yang menggunakan<br />indikator: </span><span class="fontstyle2">planning</span><span class="fontstyle0">, </span><span class="fontstyle2">organizing</span><span class="fontstyle0">, </span><span class="fontstyle2">staffing</span><span class="fontstyle0">, </span><span class="fontstyle2">directing</span><span class="fontstyle0">, </span><span class="fontstyle2">coordinating</span><span class="fontstyle0">, </span><span class="fontstyle2">reporting </span><span class="fontstyle0">dan </span><span class="fontstyle2">budgeting</span><span class="fontstyle0">,<br />Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data<br />yang dilakukan menggunakan cara triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Data<br />dikumpulkan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui<br />pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.<br />Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan arsip KPKNL Surakarta sudah<br />cukup efektif namun perlu perbaikan di beberapa aspek yaitu perencanaan, pengorganisasian<br />dan pengelolaan staf. KPKNL Surakarta telah menyusun rencana yang sistematis terkait<br />pengelolaan arsip namun rencana tersebut belum dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna karena<br />terdapat berbagai keterbatasan. Masih terdapat kesulitan untuk menemukan arsip lama. Selain<br />itu, ruang penyimpanan arsip juga tidak mencukupi karena banyaknya volume arsip.<br />Penyimpanan belum menggunakan rak besi yang sesuai standar. KPKNL Surakarta sudah<br />membentuk Tim Pengelolaan Arsip setiap tahun namun tidak semua pegawai memahami<br />pengelolaan arsip. Kepala KPKNL Surakarta telah memberikan arahan dan dorongan terkait<br />pengelolaan arsip yang baik. Unit Pengolah dan Unit Kearsipan KPKNL Surakarta telah<br />melakukan sinergi dan koordinasi dalam pengelolaan dan penyusutan arsip. KPKNL Surakarta<br />telah melakukan pelaporan arsip semesteran secara rutin. KPKNL Surakarta telah memiliki<br />anggaran yang cukup memadai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sarana penyimpanan dan sarana<br />pengamanan arsip kecuali rak besi dan honorarium tim karena terdapat aturan tambahan terkait<br />hal tersebut.<br />Kata kunci: analisis, pengelolaan, arsip</span> </p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Novitasari Novitasari, Winarti Winarti, Aris Tri Haryanto PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN KESEHATAN, BRAND IMAGE DAN KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PASIEN DI PUSKESMAS BABADAN KABUPATEN PONOROGO 2024-03-27T14:17:23+07:00 Retno Ambarwati Retno Aris Tri Haryanto Herning Suryo Sardjono <p><em>The purpose of this research is to know the effect of health service quality, brand image and trust on patient satisfaction. This research is survey research and is classified as explanatory research. This research was conducted at the Babadan Community Health Centre, Ponorogo Regency. The research population was Babadan Health Centre patients with a sample of 100 people used accidental sampling technique. Data collection techniques used questionnaires, observation and literature study. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression. The results of the research show that the quality of health services has a significant effect on patient satisfaction, where the better the quality of health services can increase patient satisfaction. Brand image has a significant effect on patient satisfaction, where the better the brand image can increase patient satisfaction. Trust has a significant effect on patient satisfaction, where better trust can increase patient satisfaction. </em></p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Retno Ambarwati Retno, Aris Tri Haryanto, Herning Suryo Sardjono IMPLEMENTASI PERATURAN GUBERNUR JAWA TIMUR NO. 50 TAHUN 2022 TENTANG PENANGGULANGAN PENYAKIT TUBERKULOSIS DI PUSKESMAS BADEGAN KABUPATEN PONOROGO 2024-03-25T08:07:03+07:00 Sayudi Joko Handoko Joko Pramono Aris Tri Haryanto <div> <p class="Default"><em><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this research is to determine the implementation of East Java Governor Regulation No. 50 of 2022 concerning the Management of Tuberculosis at the Badegan Public Health Center Ponorogo. This type of research is descriptive, carried out at the Badegan Public Health Center Ponorogo. Informants were selected used purposive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques used interviews, documentation and observation. The data analysis technique used qualitative data analysis. The research results show that communication between parties related to the implementation of the East Java Gubernatorial Regulation No. 50 of 2022 concerning the Management of Tuberculosis at the Badegan Public Health Center has been going well through outreach. Human resources are good, the budget is met and the facilities and infrastructure are complete, although distribution is sometimes late. The disposition between the parties has gone well because they have knowledge and understanding, the attitude of the implementer who accepts duties and responsibilities and high commitment accompanied by an honest and responsible attitude in carrying out their work. The bureaucratic structure functions according to its duties, is able to understand the tasks well and carry out according to the standart operaciona procedure. Obstacles in implementation are delays in facilities and infrastructure as well as patients taking medication, so efforts are needed to maintain drug stocks and continue to be intensive in increasing the duties of medication supervisor who come from patient families to continue to provide understanding to patients.</span></em></p> </div> <div> <p class="Default"><em><span lang="EN-US">&nbsp;</span></em></p> </div> <div> <p class="Default"><em><span lang="EN-US">Keywords: Implementation, Disease Management, Tuberculosis</span></em></p> </div> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sayudi Joko Handoko, Joko Pramono, Aris Tri Haryanto PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI, KEMAMPUAN KERJA DAN KEPEMIMPINAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI NON MEDIS DI RSUD Dr. HARJONO S PONOROGO 2024-03-19T21:14:09+07:00 Budiono Budiono Aris Tri Haryanto Herning Suryo Sardjono <p><em>Purpose of this studies to know the effect of organizational communication, work ability and leadership on the performance of non-medical employees. This type of research is explanatory research conducted at RSUD Dr. Harjono S Ponorogo. The research population was non-medical employees at Dr. RSUD. Harjono S Ponorogo, totaling 119 people and all of them were used as samples use population research techniques. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and literature study. The data analysis technique use multiple linear regression. The research results show that organizational communication has an effect on the performance of non-medical employees with a calculated t value of 4.010 with a p value (0.000) &lt; 0.05. Work ability effect on performance of non-medical employees with a calculated t value of 4.365 with a p value (0.000) &lt; 0.05. Leadership effect on performance of non-medical employees with a calculated t value of 4.095 with a p value (0.000) &lt; 0.05. Organizational communication, work ability and leadership effect the performance of non-medical employees simultaniously with a p value of 0.000 &lt;0.05.</em></p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Budiono Budiono, Aris Tri Haryanto, Herning Suryo Sardjono EFEKTIVITAS PELAYANAN PENERBITAN SURAT REKOMENDASI PENELITIAN BERBASIS APLIKASI PADA BADAN KESATUAN BANGSA DAN POLITIK KABUPATEN MADIUN 2024-03-19T13:37:47+07:00 Roissana Roissana Winarti Winarti Aris Tri Haryanto <p>Dalam upaya peningkatan pelayanan, Bakesbangpol Kabupaten Madiun meluncurkan inovasi layanan berbasis aplikasi yang dinamakan SIROIS. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah efektivitas pelayanan penerbitan surat rekomendasi penelitian berbasis aplikasi pada Bakesbangpol Kabupaten Madiun. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji dan menganalisis efektivitas pelayanan penerbitan surat rekomendasi penelitian berbasis aplikasi pada Bakesbangpol Kabupaten Madiun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kualitatif deskriptif. Tehnik pengumpulan datanya adalah Observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Fokus penelitian ini menggunakan teori Richard M. Steers dalam mengukur efektivitas yang terdiri dari Pencapaian Tujuan, Integrasi dan Adaptasi.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian diukur dengan 3 aspek menunjukkan bahwa 1. Dari aspek Pencapaian Tujuan, aplikasi SIROIS mudah diakses kapan dan dimana saja serta durasi waktu penyelesaiannya sesuai SOP. 2.Dari aspek Integrasi, sosialisasi yang dilakukan belum maksimal akan tetapi integrasi aplikasi SIROIS dengan aplikasi persuratan SRIKANDI sudah sangat bagus dan membantu. 3.Dari aspek adaptasi, respon petugas operator cepat dan baik, terkadang ada kendala di jaringan.  Kesimpulannya pelayanan berbasis aplikasi dari aspek pencapaian tujuan sudah efektif, integrasi kurang efektif dan dari adaptasi kurang efektif. Saran dari penulis yaitu Publikasi lebih masif baik sosialisasi langsung maupun melalui media social, koordinasi intens dengan OPD terkait dan perbaikan beberapa fitur pada menu layanan.</p> <p> </p> <p>Kata kunci : Efektivitas, Pelayanan, Aplikasi</p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Roissana Roissana, Winarti Winarti, Aris Tri Haryanto TRANSPARANSI PELAKSANAAN DANA DESA DI DESA KERSIKAN KABUPATEN NGAWI 2024-03-15T15:29:59+07:00 Ichwakul Nur Icklasul Amal <h1><sub><span class="fontstyle0">Pengelolaan Dana desa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah desa di Kresikan Kecamatan Geneng,<br />bahwa belum sepenuhnya ditemukan secara terbuka dalam penyampaian informasi kepada<br />public, masih terdapat adanya desa pengelola dana desa terkesan tertutup yang belum<br />melakukan trasparansi pengelolaan dana desa secara meluas kepada masyarakat desa pada<br />umumnya. Bentuk transparansi yang dilakukan sesuai penyampaian oleh beberapa informan<br />sebenarnya sudah cukup jelas, namun kepala desa hanya menyampaikan informasi pada saat<br />kegiatan rapat desa atau melalui baliho yang menyangkut total anggaran. Pemerintah desa<br />belum sepenuhnya mengikuti apa yang menjadi harapan undang-undang ataupun peraturan<br />Daerah terkait pengelolaan Dana desa,</span> </sub></h1> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ichwakul Nur Icklasul Amal MANAJEMEN PENDATAAN KELUARGA MISKIN KOTA SURAKARTA DALAM RANGKA PELAKSANAAN BANTUAN SOSIAL 2024-03-13T16:46:08+07:00 Dita Yayang Febriani Suwardi Suwardi Joko Pranomo <p>Program pendataan keluarga miskin di Kota Surakarta sebagai langkah awal dalam mengatasi kemiskinan menghadapi sejumlah permasalahan, seperti ketidakakuratan data, ketidaksetaraan akses, dan kurangnya pemutakhiran data secara teratur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi manajemen pendataan keluarga miskin di Kota Surakarta dalam pelaksanaan bantuan sosial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komitmen dalam mengelola data kemiskinan secara transparan dan akurat melalui tata kelola data yang terpusat dan terintegrasi. Evaluasi menyoroti perlunya penilaian kriteria kemiskinan yang lebih kontekstual dan pendampingan aktif dari kelurahan terhadap RT dalam mengidentifikasi kondisi ekonomi warga. Diharapkan, pendekatan holistik ini dapat menciptakan kebijakan yang lebih efektif dalam mengatasi masalah kemiskinan.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci : </strong>Pendataan Keluarga Miskin, Manajemen</p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dita Yayang Febriani, Suwardi Suwardi, Joko Pranomo EVALUASI PEMELIHARAAN SISTEM PERTAHANAN ALUTSISTA RADAR DI DEPO PEMELIHARAN 50 2024-03-12T22:15:34+07:00 Guntur Auriyanto Winarti Winarti Aris Tri Haryanto <p><span class="fontstyle0">The Maintenance Depot 50 is still short of personnel, and lacks adequate radar maintenance<br />infrastructure. In addition, there is damage and a decrease in the condition of the Test Bench on<br />several Sathars. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Research<br />informants using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using in-depth<br />interviews, and documentation. The interactive analysis data analysis technique consists of data<br />collection, data condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed 1)<br />Context evaluation, the needs that have not been met are the fulfillment of personnel needs<br />(HR), and facilities and infrastructure needs. 2) Input evaluation, there is still a shortage of<br />personnel, which should be 502 personnel but currently there are only 329 personnel, thus<br />affecting radar maintenance activities. 3) Process evaluation, fulfills the requirements set in<br />accordance with the regulations of the Air Chief Marshal, according to the set schedule. 4)<br />Product evaluation, the initial plans and objectives in radar maintenance can be achieved,<br />although there are still some problems. The impact that arises is that all radars in Indonesia if<br />they experience damage / problems are immediately resolved so that they can operate normally<br />and well, thus having a positive impact on units that have radar defense equipment. From the<br />evaluation results, the radar maintenance process looks good, however, it is expected to further<br />maximize the implementation of maintenance and repair activities for existing radar equipment.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle2">Keywords: </span><span class="fontstyle0">Evaluation, CIPP Model, Radar Maintenance.</span> </p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Guntur Auriyanto, Winarti Winarti, Aris Tri Haryanto STAGNASI PEMBANGUNAN DESA 2024-03-13T08:52:48+07:00 Al-fira Ratha Malinda Joko Pramono Purbayakti Kusuma.W. <p> <span class="fontstyle0">This research aims to examine and explore the factors causing the development<br />stagnation in Sidorejo Village, which if left unchecked, is feared to impede the progress<br />of development in Sidorejo Village. Although Sidorejo Village is only a small<br />administrative unit, it has a population of 6,135 individuals, each with their own public<br />interests and equal rights. The research method employed is a qualitative descriptive<br />approach, utilizing data collection through interviews, document studies, and observations </span><span class="fontstyle0">with purposive sampling method to determine data sources. The final results of this<br />research indicate that the causes of development stagnation in Sidorejo Village are in<br />institutional aspects: 1) Monotony in development implementation 2) Lack of development<br />evaluation. And in the structural conditions of society aspect: 1) Community antipathy<br />towards the village government 2) Low level of education among the village community.<br /></span><span class="fontstyle3">Keywords: Development Stagnation, Development, Village.</span> <br /><br /></p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-fira Ratha Malinda