Dinamika Hukum
<div style="margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: normal;"><strong style="text-align: justify;">DINAMIKA HUKUM </strong><span style="text-align: justify;">is a peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Law Universitas Slamet Riyadi. It published twice times a year .</span><strong style="text-align: justify;"> DINAMIKA HUKUM</strong><span style="text-align: justify;"> aims to provide a forum for lecturers and researchers to publish the original articles about Law Science. The focus of </span><strong style="text-align: justify;"><strong>DINAMIKA HUKUM</strong> </strong><span style="text-align: justify;">is publishing the manuscript of a research study or conceptual ideas. We are interested in topics which relate Legal issues in Indonesia and around the world.</span></div>Magister In Lawen-USDinamika Hukum2086-759XPERLINDUNGAN INVESTOR TERHADAP TINDAK PIDANA INSIDER TRADER DI TRANSAKSI PASAR MODAL
<p><span class="fontstyle0">Transactions in the capital market must take place fairly, transparently and adhere to the<br>principles of integrity in order to provide optimal benefits for all parties involved. This research<br>aims to analyze investor protection against criminal acts of insider traders who trap local<br>brokers in market transactions. capital. The method used is normative law (normative juridical).<br>The data source is statutory regulations relating to criminal law, especially regarding the<br>application of Insider Trading in the Capital Market. The data analysis used in this research is<br>qualitative analysis. The results of the research in this research are that Article 95-97 in Law<br>Number 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Markets in Indonesia regulates investor protection<br>against insider trading, which is defined in Article 95 as stock trading based on material<br>information that has not been announced to the public. Article 96 prohibits this practice and<br>applies to holders of material information with special access to that information, including<br>company officers and majority shareholders. Article 97 explains who is considered the holder<br>of material information. Articles 98-99 regulate sanctions such as large fines, prison sentences,<br>and a ban on participating in the capital market for insider trading, with the aim of preventing<br>losses for the capital market and investors. These articles also emphasize the importance of<br>supervision by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in maintaining the integrity and<br>openness of the capital market through investigations and cooperation with other legal<br>agencies.<br>Keywords: Investor Protection, Inside Trader, Local Broker, Capital Market</span> </p>ARISTA HIDAYATUL RAHMANSYAH
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">The purpose of this study is to examine the criminal law enforcement of<br>perpetrators of fraud and the judge's consideration in applying criminal sanctions<br>against perpetrats of fraude in judgment No. 27/Pid.B/2022.Pn/Byl. The type of<br>research used is normative jurisprudence. The nature of the research is descriptive. The<br>data source used is a secondary data source consisting of primary legal material,<br>secondary legal materials, tertiary law materials. Data collection techniques using<br>library studies. Data analysis techniques using qualitative descriptive analysis. The<br>results of the investigation indicate that criminal law enforcement against perpetrators<br>of fraudulent crimes in judgment No. 27/Pid.B/2022.Ms./Byl was awarding a ninemonth prison sentence to Accused Achmad Sopandi along with Accused H. Parudy for<br>legitimately proving and convicting him of committing a fraud criminal offence Based<br>on the judge's consideration in applying criminal sanctions against perpetrators of<br>fraud offences in judgment No. 27/Pid.B/2022.Pn/Byl is based on the testimony of<br>witnesses, the indictment of the accused and clues or goods as well as the factors that<br>alleviate and aggravate the accused.<br>Keywords: law enforcement, crime, fraud</span> </p>DONNA BRIADI
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">Acts of bullying against children that result in death are serious tragedies<br>that require special attention in the realm of children's law. This phenomenon<br>shows the need for strengthening and legal protection of children's rights, in line<br>with legal developments that increasingly focus on humanitarian aspects and<br>protection of vulnerable groups. Crimes of violence against children that result in<br>death create an alarming situation in society.<br>The aim of this research is to determine the legal responsibility of children<br>and the basic considerations in deciding cases of criminal acts of bullying against<br>children which cause death according to Article 80 paragraph (3) of the Criminal<br>Code in Decision Number: 20/PID.SUS-ANAK/2023 /PT. SBY.<br>This research method uses a type of normative juridical research, namely<br>legal research which is carried out by examining library materials or secondary<br>data as basic material for research by conducting searches on regulations and<br>literature related to the problem being studied. The type of data in this research is<br>secondary data, which is data obtained by researchers from library research and<br>documentation, which is the result of research and processing by other people,<br>which is already available in the form of books or documentation which is usually<br>provided in libraries.<br>Research results: The legal responsibility of children in cases of criminal<br>acts of bullying against children that result in death involves various factors,<br>including the age of the perpetrator, the laws in force in certain countries or<br>jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions, children under a certain age may not be<br>punished in a certain way. just like adults. The basis for consideration according<br>to the appeal request from the Appellant/Public Prosecutor is submitted within the<br>time limit and according to the methods specified in the law, therefore the appeal<br>request can formally be accepted. In accordance with the purpose of punishment<br>itself, among other things, it is to educate children to improve themselves<br>(corrective), it also has the character of deterring the perpetrator and has a<br>preventive nature (prevention) so that criminal acts do not need to happen again,<br>especially for the perpetrator.<br>Keywords: Legal Responsibility, Children, Criminal Acts of Bullying</span> </p>FAJAR SETIAWAN
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">The application of criminal penalties for taxpayers who do not deposit tax<br>based on the decision of the Blora District Court Number 123/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Bla<br>and the basis for consideration by the Panel of Judges at the Blora District Court,<br>they decided that the defendant was found guilty and received a prison sentence.\<br>The method in this research uses normative juridical, meaning that normative<br>legal research or doctrinal legal research is research that uses secondary data as the<br>main data. The nature of this research is descriptive analytical, descriptive means<br>research that will discuss and analyze facts systematically, so that it will be easy to<br>draw conclusions later. This research's main data is secondary data and primary<br>data as support. Data collection techniques by conducting literature studies. This<br>research data analysis uses inductive, namely drawing conclusions starting from<br>statements or specific facts to lead to general conclusions to specific matters.<br>From the results of research and analysis, it can be seen that the application<br>of criminal sanctions for taxpayers who deliberately do not report their obligations in<br>paying taxes can be sentenced to prison. In special criminal case number<br>123/Pid.Sus/2022/PN.Bla, the Defendant has legally and convincingly committed a<br>tax crime, in the indictment the Defendant violated Article 39 paragraph (1) letter i of<br>the KUP Law in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.<br>The Panel of Judges who examined and tried and decided agreed that the<br>Defendant had legally and convincingly violated Article 39 paragraph (1) letter i of</span><span class="fontstyle2"><br></span><span class="fontstyle0">the KUP Law in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, in<br>which there are elements, namely every person, intentionally, not remitting taxes that<br>have been withheld or collected can cause losses to state revenues and ongoing<br>actions. The defendant's actions through PT AIJ, based on data from the Directorate<br>General of Taxes Information System, PT AIJ's Periodic VAT SPT for the period<br>January 2019 to March 2019 or more precisely the defendant's criminal acts, namely<br>those proposed to fulfill the provisions of Article 39 paragraph 1 letter i of the KUP<br>Law<br></span><span class="fontstyle3">Keywords : Tak , administrative and penal sanction</span> </p>HERI PRACIKTO
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">This research aims to determine the authority of Bawaslu in carrying out its duties as a<br>special judicial body for resolving disputes over the results of regional head elections as well as<br>design inhibiting factors. The subject used was Bawaslu, Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi<br>Province. The data analysis model used in this research is the deduction method analysis. Based<br>on the research results, it can be concluded that the duties and authorities of the Election<br>Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) are to implement the provisions of the 1945 Constitution, article 24<br>paragraph (3), to strengthen or give authority to Bawaslu as a Special Judicial Body for Settlement<br>of Disputes on Regional Head Election Results and inhibiting factors. establishment of a Special<br>Judicial Body for Settlement of Disputes resulting from direct regional elections.<br>Keywords: Bawaslu, authority, dispute, regional elections</span> </p>ISRAN JUHULI
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">The objective of this study is to examine the legal protection of children as<br>victims of persecution and violence and to study the consideration of a judge in<br>delivering a judgment against an accused in an attempt to provide legal<br>protection to a child as a victim of persecutions and violence in decision no.<br>180/Pid.B/2022/PN Sgl. The type of research uses normative jurisprudence with<br>descriptive research properties. Data sources use a secondary data source<br>consisting of primary legal material, secondary legal materials, tertiary law<br>materials. Data collection techniques use library studies. Data analysis<br>techniques use qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that<br>the legal protection provided by the judge against a child as a victim of<br>persecution and violence is to punish the accused with a criminal sentence of<br>imprisonment for 2 (two) years and 6 (six) months. The judge's consideration in<br>delivering a judgment against the defendant in an attempt to provide legal<br>protection to the child as the victims of persecutions and violence based on the<br>testimony of the witnesses, the material of the evidence and the indictment of the</span><br><span class="fontstyle0">defendant plus the conviction of the judges. The judge also considered the facts in<br>the trial, so that the judge had considered either juridic or non-juridic<br>considerations that could alleviate or impose a criminal sanction for the accused,<br>so the defendant.<br>Keywords: protection of the law, persecution, violence, children</span> </p>LUQIANA BALQIS
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">The aim of this research is to examine the implementation of Regent's Regulation<br>Number 46 of 2021 concerning Management Guidelines and Priority Use of<br>Village Funds (case study in Jaten village government in 2023) and to find out<br>how Regent's Regulation Number 46 of 2021 concerning Village Fund<br>Management is. Guidelines for Management and Priority Use of Village Funds<br>Implemented. regarding the Village Head's Discretionary Actions in the Jaten<br>Village Government in 2023 and what obstacles the Jaten village government<br>experiences in implementing regent regulation number 46 of 2021 concerning<br>management guidelines and priority use of village funds.<br>The approach method in this writing is empirical juridical, this research<br>specification uses descriptive, data sources use primary data and secondary data,<br>data collection techniques use interview studies and document studies. To analyze<br>the data, researchers used qualitative descriptive analysis methods.<br>Implementation of Regent's Regulation Number 46 of 2021 concerning<br>Guidelines for Management and Priority Use of Village Funds (case study of<br>Jaten Village Government in 2023) As follows: That the Jaten Village<br>Government has implemented Regent's Regulation Number 46 of 2021<br>concerning Guidelines for Management and Management of Village Funds.<br>Priority: Use of Village Funds properly and according to procedures aimed at<br>advancing and leveling development in Jaten village according to the priority<br>scale. The obstacle that occurs in implementing Regent Regulation Number 46 of<br>2021 concerning Guidelines for Management and Priority Use of Village Funds<br>(Case study in Jaten Village Government in 2023) is that village officials are not<br>able to master the technology system.</span><br><span class="fontstyle3">Keywords : Implementation of Regent Regulations, Management Guidelines and<br>Priority Use of Funds.</span> </p>MUHAMMAD BAYU PAMUNGKAS
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">Embezzlement here refers to the act of seizing or controlling someone else's<br>property without permission or with unlawful intent. The crime of embezzlement is<br>often related to an inequality of power or position between the perpetrator and the<br>victim. Perpetrators may have access or positions that make it easier for them to exploit<br>or usurp the property rights of others. Article 374 of the Criminal Code also reflects<br>protection for parties who may be weaker or vulnerable, whether in the context of<br>business, work or financial transactions.<br>This research method is a normative juridical type, namely legal research carried<br>out by examining library materials or secondary data as basic material for research by<br>conducting searches on regulations and literature related to the problem being studied.<br>Descriptive research is "Research that is intended to provide data that is as thorough as<br>possible about people, conditions or hypotheses so that it can help in strengthening old<br>theories, or in the preparation of new theories.<br>The research results show that law enforcement against criminal acts of<br>embezzlement in work according to Article 374 of the Criminal Code. Determination of<br>punishment must be in line with the principles of justice and proportionality.<br>Consideration of the defendant's personal circumstances, such as life history and other<br>factors that may influence his or her behavior, may be a factor in determining the<br>sentence. Judges need to maintain fairness and openness of trials. Decisions taken must<br>be based on the facts in the trial and not be influenced by external pressure or irrelevant<br>considerations. Judges must have a deep understanding of the provisions of Article 374<br>of the Criminal Code which regulates the crime of embezzlement at work. This includes<br>the elements of the offense, the penalties that can be imposed, and other criteria that<br>must be considered. The judge needs to evaluate the evidence presented at trial. The<br>quality and validity of evidence is a key factor in forming a judge's decision.<br>Keywords: Law Enforcement, Crime of Embezzlement at Work, Article 374 of<br>the Criminal Code</span> </p>MOHAMMAD ARNAZ
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">Countries that have stable economic strength can be classified as large countries.<br>However, the existence of stable economic strength and prosperity depends on the<br>level of public awareness in paying their tax obligations. This research aims to<br>examine a number of 53 tax criminal decisions following the enactment of Law No.<br>7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations in the 2022 tax year based<br>on the principle of ultimum remedium by looking at the theory associated with this<br>problem, namely the theory of Justice. Where 35 of the decisions are tax criminal<br>decisions which will be resolved in 2022 and 18 of the decisions are tax criminal<br>decisions which will be resolved in 2023. This research uses a library research<br>method with a Normative Juridical Approach with a data analysis method using<br>qualitative analysis which is described in the following way. descriptive. The<br>formulation of the problem discussed is How to Analyze the Application of<br>Criminal Law as an Ultimum Remedium in Tax Cases Post Law No. 7 of 2021<br>concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations. The results of the research show<br>that based on the analysis of criminal decisions in tax cases that have gone through<br>the judiciary and have been decided from 2022 to 2023 after Law No. 7 of 2021<br>concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations, the principle of ultimum remedium<br>as the main sanction in punishment has not been fully implemented. convict in a<br>criminal case in the field of taxation. The principle of ultimum remedium as<br>intended in article 44B of Law N0.7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax<br>Regulations indicates that only fines should be used as punishment for perpetrators<br>of tax crimes without any prison/imprisonment sentences. However, what will<br>happen during 2022-2023 is that there will still be many cases of tax crimes using<br>the Primum Remedium principle where imprisonment/imprisonment is the main<br>punishment.<br>Keywords: Ultimum Remedium, Tax Crime, Tax Harmonization Law</span> </p>NATHAN THOMAS
Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">The aim of the research is to examine the implementation of pretrial institutions<br>at the Surakarta District Court. Obstacles that cause the pretrial control function to not<br>work as expected. Efforts that can be made so that pre-trial proceedings can run<br>effectively to realize legal protection for the rights of suspects and third parties from the<br>investigation, inquiry and prosecution stages.<br>The background in the Criminal Procedure Code, the criminal justice system in<br>Indonesia consists of the components of investigators, public prosecutors, judges and<br>correctional institutions, as law enforcement officers must carry out their duties and<br>authority consistently, so that the justice system can run in an integrated manner. In<br>order to carry out the interests of investigating criminal acts, the law has given authority<br>to investigators and public prosecutors to carry out coercive measures in the form of<br>arrest, detention, confiscation and search, these legal actions limit or even conflict with<br>the rights of suspects, therefore this authority is given.<br>This research method uses normative legal research, namely a process of finding<br>legal rules, legal principles and legal doctrines to answer the legal issues faced. And the<br>type of empirical legal research, according to Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro, is legal<br>research that obtains data from primary data or data or data obtained directly from the<br>community. The Legislative Approach is an approach taken by examining all laws and<br>regulations related to the legal issue being handled. The qualitative approach is a way of<br>analyzing research results that produces analytical descriptive data, namely data<br>expressed by respondents in writing or orally as well as real behavior, which is<br>researched and studied as a whole.<br>The research results show that the implementation of pretrial in protecting the<br>rights of suspects and third parties at the Surakarta District Court, namely that pretrial<br>plays an important role in protecting individual rights, especially the rights of suspects<br>and third parties. This includes the right to freedom, the right to information, the right to<br>justice, and other rights that may be threatened during the legal process. Several<br>obstacles can be identified in the implementation of pretrial to protect the rights of<br>suspects and third parties in the District Court: 1) lack of understanding of the law<br>among the community. 2) Limited resources, both financial and personnel, can be an<br>obstacle in providing adequate access to the pretrial process. c) Slow pretrial processes<br>can reduce their effectiveness in protecting individual rights. d) Political pressure and<br>public opinion can influence the independence of the District Court in handling pretrial<br>cases. In an effort to realize the effectiveness of pretrial as a means of legal protection<br>for the rights of suspects and third parties in the District Court, several steps can be<br>taken: Holding a legal education campaign targeting the general public, law enforcers<br>and advocates, to increase understanding of pretrial and rights individual. Create a legal<br>aid system that is easily accessible for those who need it, especially for those who are<br>economically disadvantaged. This could include funding for pro bono advocates, free<br>legal clinics, or affordable legal resources.<br>Keywords: Pretrial Implementation</span> </p>R. AHMAD NUR RIDO PRABOWO
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamika Hukum
<p><span class="fontstyle0">RESTORATIVE JUSTICE BASED ON </span><span class="fontstyle0">Republic Of Indonesia Police<br>Regulation Number 8 Of 2021</span><span class="fontstyle0">NUMBER 8 OF 2021"generally examines the<br>resolution of criminal acts using restorative justice based on </span><span class="fontstyle0">Republic Of Indonesia<br>Police Regulation Number 8 Of 2021 </span><span class="fontstyle0">and the obstacles that arise in resolving<br>criminal acts using restorative justice and how law enforcement officials (Police)<br>overcome these obstacles.<br>The method in this research uses empirical juridical, this research uses<br>primary data as main data and secondary data as supporting data.Data collection in<br>this research was carried out by conducting field studies and literature studies, data<br>analysis techniques using arranging and sorting data and organizing them into<br>patterns, categories and basic units of description.The steps in analyzing this<br>research data, namely by means of data and information that has been collected from<br>the research results, both data obtained from interviews with resource<br>persons/sample respondents can be explained and interpreted logically and<br>systematically.<br>From the results of the research and analysis, it can be seen that Unit I<br>Criminal Investigation Unit of the Grobogan Police, in resolving minor crimes and<br>not repeat crimes, is resolved using restorative justice. This step was taken by Unit I<br>of the Grobogan Police considering that the losses incurred were not large as<br>regulated in the Republic of Indonesia State Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021<br>concerning Handling of Criminal Acts Based on Restorative Justice. Obstacles that<br>arise in resolving criminal acts with restorative justice, namely internal consisting of<br>legal substance and law enforcement factors, external factors, the ego of the victim<br>and his family, the time and schedule for implementation, the victim asking for very</span><br><span class="fontstyle0">high compensation, low human resources and the financial inability of the<br>perpetrator<br></span><span class="fontstyle4">Keywords : Resolving Crimes, Using Restorative Justice and </span><span class="fontstyle3">Republic Of<br>Indonesia Police Regulation Number 8 Of 2021</span> </p>SUWONDO SUWONDO
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