PENGARUH UKURAN PERUSAHAAN DAN LIKUIDITAS TERHADAP KINERJA PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2013 – 2015)


  • Tulus Prijanto, Andri Veno & Chuzaimah


This research has point of view to analysied size of company influence, and
liquidity about performance of the company. The sample among 62 manufacture
company in Indonesian stock exchange (BEI) in 2013 – 2015 period. Sampling tehnik
using one time method, covers from variable and data processing with regretion
logistic multiple analysis. Liquidity variable and company size became independent
variable, proxited with current ratio for company size and liquidity. Currently
dependent variable of company performance are proxited with ROA (return of asset).
This analysts using double linear regrestion, and the result of double regrestion
analysts represent between liquidity and size positively and significantly influence of
company performance.
Keyword: liquidity, size of company, performance of the company, cross sectional

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